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Become a “Want-to-work-for“ Business with us

Family-supplementary childcare is an important aspect for working parents today. The availability of a childcare place with a high quality of care has a direct influence on the professional decisions of potential employees. Offer your employees solutions to their needs and secure a competitive advantage in your search for qualified personnel. Become a family-friendly company and a magnet for qualified employees. Increase employee retention by enabling your employees to balance career and family.

Achieve your human resource goals with Little Star Day School as your partner:

  • Low employee turnover, as parents are less likely to want to change jobs if their children attend a company-affiliated daycare center. In addition, parents are less likely to change jobs after maternity leave if the company offers company-affiliated childcare.
  • Encourage women in your company by showing them that returning to work after starting a family is also supported.
  • Make your company a “want-to-work-for” company. Set an example by offering childcare close to the workplace and show that you are committed to the well-being of your employees and supporting families.

Choose from the following support models for your business:



Do you want flexibility because your employees’ demand for childcare places varies? Then our options model is right for your business. Become part of the Little Star Day School community so that your employees have priority in the allocation of places. Talk to us about how to make the most of this childcare concept for your business.



You have the possibility of bindingly reserving a certain number of childcare places for your company’s employees at a Little Star Day School branch. With this solution, you offer your employees optimal solutions in matters of childcare. We would be happy to show you efficient options for your company.

In-house Daycare

In-house Care

For larger companies, in-house care is the best solution, because the proximity to the workplace allows parents to optimally combine work and family. Together we analyze your needs and realize the project of your company crèche. If you wish, we can take over the management of the facility. Contact us and make an appointment.



Do you want flexibility because your employees’ demand for childcare places varies? Then our options model is right for your business. Become part of the Little Star Day School community so that your employees have priority in the allocation of places. Talk to us about how to make the most of this childcare concept for your business.

Little Star is a home-like and stimulating environment.


You have the possibility of bindingly reserving a certain number of childcare places for your company’s employees at a Little Star Day School branch. With this solution, you offer your employees optimal solutions in matters of childcare. We will be happy to show you efficient options for your company.

In-house Daycare

In-house Care

For larger companies, in-house care is the best solution, because the proximity to the workplace allows parents to optimally combine work and family. Together we analyze your needs and realize the project of your company crèche. If you wish, we can take over the management of the facility. Contact us and make an appointment.

Little Star Day School is trusted by families since 2001.

Since 2001…

Little Star Day School bietet seit 2001 flexible Betreuungsmodelle, die sich den individuellen Bedürfnissen von Familien anpassen. Wir bieten Lösungen für Sie und Ihre Mitarbeiter – unabhängig der Grösse Ihrer Unternehmung. Gerne beraten wir Sie unverbindlich bei der Erstellung eines auf Ihr Unternehmen zugeschnittenen Betreuungskonzepts.

For more than 20 years we have been there for families as a family. Our children were already cared for and supported at the Little Star Day School in Kilchberg. Today they are part of the company and our mission.

Contact us to discuss your company’s specific needs, and to find a solution that is right for your business.

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